Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Don't Play Safe!

When you look at your life, do you find yourself taking chances or playing life safe? Do you take calculated risks or do you take the path that appears the easiest? Neither one is good or bad, however, I would submit to you that playing life safe results in a more mundane and less fun life.

When we look at life, what is there to see? Each of us has the opportunity each morning when we roll out of bed to choose what we would like to do for that day. Most of us choose to go to work as we have obligations to meet and we like to be able to eat on a daily basis and keep a roof over our heads. That however, is not a requirement, it is a choice.

Each day we have the wonderful opportunity ahead of us to create a masterpiece. After all, we are all masterpieces created for a Purpose.

What are you doing each day with your opportunity? When you roll out of bed, you start taking risks. It may not seem that way to you, only because you have performed so many of these same tasks so many times that risk of failure is minute. We risk hitting our toes, or falling down or burning ourselves with a hot drink in the morning. We risk getting involved in an accident on the way to work in the morning. Heaven only knows what risks are being taken at work. And the list goes on.

Everything you do in a day has an element of risk. The question I have for you is what kind of risks are you taking? Are you taking risks that will move you forward in life towards your Purpose and your deepest desires in your heart? Or, are you taking small risks that don't seem like risks to you that keep you in your current place?

Are you content with where you are in your life? If you are, great, and be encouraged to continue on your way. If, however, you are not content, totally unhappy, and want to make more out of your life, you want to achieve Your Purpose in life, then be encouraged to take a different path in life. Choose to take calculated risks.

These are risks that you have looked at, weighed the benefits and disadvantages and know what the outcome could bring if you win and are willing to live with the results if you loose.

If you are willing to step out into life, stop playing safe and really choose to life a live of significance and Purpose, then let's do this. Let us choose to engage life.

What do you choose to do in your life?

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