Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Winning Disposition

What is it about some people that has them always standing in the winning circle? Is it really that they are so much more talented than others or is it something else? Certainly talent is a contributing factor but maybe equally important is their mind set and their outlook. They simply see themselves as winners. When we look at superstars we notice a confidence that is every bit as intimidating as their great physical abilities. They display a focus so intense that it seems it cannot be diminished.

They are determined to win and that is exactly what they typically do.

Unfortunately, for every one of those with the winning mentality, there appear to be thousands who see themselves in just the opposite way. They feel perhaps that they are less talented, less prepared and sometimes less deserving. It is hard to deny that an attitude such as that can have a profound effect on results. Many times it is just that spark of confidence that pushes one to be far better than he would otherwise be.

So, how does one develop or incorporate that attitude and is it even possible for that to happen? Certainly optimism is essential. One has to keep telling themselves over and over that they are capable to doing significant things and eventually over time they can come to actually believe that is true. People are capable of amazing things, far more than they realize. All too often, we are our own worst enemies as we continually sabotage ourselves with our negative attitudes and feelings of inadequacy.

While it is true that everyone has bad days and times when they are not feeling at their very best it is also true that those times can be very temporary. Positive thinking can help to get us back on the track so much faster than being trapped in feelings of our inability to succeed. Sometimes the secret is to just keep trying. Not being afraid to fail and then when we do come up short being willing to try again and again until success is achieved is the winning recipe. It is a proven truth that doing things over and over improves our abilities to do them. Not giving up is crucial, as is keeping our attitude positive. Develop an winning attittude today.

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Monday, November 18, 2013


What is the most useful thing that you can use your time for?The clock is ticking, each moment of your time is precious. Every second of your time is valuable. If you had to record each moment of your day, how would you judge each moment. It could be said that you are the judge of your life, how would you evaluate the day which just ended. Was it a valuable day? If you looked back on your life, what would you say was your biggest achievement during the day. Did you feel that you achieved the things you set out to achieve at the beginning of the day?

What would you celebrate?What were the things that you were extremely happy and joyous about? What were the most tangible things that you achieved?
Do you feel proud of the things that you achieved during the day? What do you think that you could have done better. Were there things that you might have changed if you had a second chance to run the day again. The biggest judge is yourself

Who is responsible for your life?It has been said that people who tend to fail to achieve things in life do not take responsibility for everything in their life. May be it is the case that they look to blame systems, situations and other people for the things that are wrong in their life. But shouldn't everyone take responsibility for their own life, and actions. People who take responsibility for everything in their life, have power over their lives

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Great Things Take Time

Certainly you've been there before. No matter how hard you try all your efforts seem to be in vain. Don't despair, for some of life's greatest victories have come to those who have persisted despite external conditions. Success is achieved through a series of setbacks, dead ends and smaller victories.

The journey toward your goals is clothed in the person you become, more than the goal that you set out to achieve. Successful leaders will advise you that it was the journey not the fulfilment of the goal which is most satisfying. You might recall Thomas Edison overcame repeated setbacks and failures to discover the light bulb. It took him no less than 1,000 attempts to invent what is regarded as history's greatest inventions.

Success Is Closer Than You Think

Now you might say "I don't have the energy and resources to persist through 1,000 failures" to realise success. But what if his invention required 1,000 attempts before success was imminent? You see, sometimes the process dictates the path to success. If your goal is manageable in scale, your failure may not be as prominent as Thomas Edison's.

On the other hand if your goal is to impact humanity on a global scale, the process of pursuing the goal will almost certainly meet with unexpected detours and setbacks. The scale of the goal will determine the course one takes and subsequently the actions required in order to fulfil that goal.

Consider this, what if your endeavour required time and patience and you knew this in advance; would you still persist? Oftentimes we are discouraged from pursuing our goal due to many unknown factors. Inevitably we give up due to the fear of the unknown, rather than embrace it as a challenge. It is the fear of the road ahead which debilitates us the most, since uncertainty indicates that success may be unattainable.

A wise man's advice for overcoming the fear of failure is embraced by the willingness to let go of mastering time and enjoy the process instead. If you love what you do and do what you love, then it stands to reason that the process become your focus. You have no doubt heard the adage 'think with the end in mind.' By orientating yourself to the fulfillment of the goal affords you the opportunity to engineer the steps required in reverse.

Any well-known author and motivational expert will propose that when we think about our goal with the end in mind, it allows us to create a pathway toward the achievement of that victory. Many people give up on their goal for a variety of reasons. You must develop an indestructible passion and conviction toward the realisation of your goal. Failure is not to be contemplated.

Ponder this for a moment. Which is greater, the joy of success or the misery of defeat? Are you motivated to succeed or are you motivated to avoid pain?

In order to realise your goal, an attitude of consistent persistence must be accompanied by an undeniable belief to succeed. Consistent dedication is paramount, given your daily habits lead toward success or failure. Consistency matched with passion, enthusiasm and desire ultimately lead toward the path of success.

Before you consider giving up, rest or take a mini break if you must. Sometimes we need a break from the pursuit of our goal in order to gain clarity and perspective. Albert Einstein said, "You can't solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it in the first instance." Therefore viewing your goal with a new mind allows you to see possible opportunities that may not have been apparent previously.

One can never predict how long it takes to achieve success. If you pursue your goal with an undeniable belief and conviction than success will ultimately greet you when the time is right, then the process becomes far more enjoyable than the victory.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Keep Loving It

If you want to live a truly magnificent life, then you must uncover the secret to living a meaningful and fulfilling life first. This all starts with you waking up every day and doing what you love and loving what you do. The greatest challenge you will face comes; when you may have allowed your life to gradually unfold, in a direction you do not like. This may mean that you now find yourself in a place, where you don't "LOVE", what you do? If you find yourself in this position, you have one of two choices.

You can either choose to allow yourself to remain trapped in a place you do not like and continue to live a life with no meaning. Or you can make a far wiser choice and change your focus. Instead of loving what you are doing at that time. Rather focus your energy on "LOVING" the opportunity, which you have available to you right now, to create the life you love.

Learn to stop focusing on lack and everything you don't have in your life right now, where you wake up every day, wondering how you are going to get through your day. Train your mind to focus on possibility and all the incredible wonder the future holds for you. Focus on all the incredible opportunity available to you right now, which will allow you to move your life in the direction of meaning and fulfilment, you want. See the incredible opportunity you have to build a future, which has all the elements you desire, namely great health, fantastic relationships, awesome career.

Allow yourself to "LOVE the OPPORTUNITY" and everything in your life immediately changes. You no longer wake up every day wondering how you are going to get through your day. Instead, you wake up inspired and passionate about possibility, eagerly looking for ways to get as much as possible from each day.
No matter what you are doing, it is OK

As you travel down the path towards new levels of success and achievement,of course you will be thrust out of your comfort zone, of course you will need to introduce new disciplines into your life, which will not be comfortable, and of course you will not love everything you need to do daily. In fact you don't have to love any of it. All you need to do is to appreciate all you have and "LOVE" the opportunity your labours will bring to you. Learn the art of loving what you have and loving the prize, which you will get to enjoy once you have paid the small price of discipline today and life, becomes an enjoyable journey, packed with wondrous possibility and opportunity.

Now is the time to Embrace Opportunity
If you can make the decision, where you no longer look for what is missing in your life right now and instead focus on what you have, namely incredible opportunity. You will find that you immediately feel so much better about your life, your self-confidence grows and you awaken your ability to believe in possibility. Have no doubt that your life is filled with opportunity and possibility. Learn to focus on what you have right now, namely the opportunity to live a life of meaning and fulfilment and forget about what is missing and you will have discovered the key to unlimited joy, happiness and success.

Focus on the Long Term
Believe that success, achievement, meaning and fulfilment are your birth right. Do not allow yourself to ever be discouraged or tempted to give up. Be assured that all it takes to live the life you desire is long term commitment, belief, vision, discipline, a great positive attitude, daily inspired action and the patience and persistence, to move from one stepping stone to the next. Of course you won't "LOVE" every stepping stone along the way. Realise that once you learn the art of "LOVING" each stepping stone for the opportunity it brings,you will have uncovered the secret to enjoy your journey through life and pathway to live the success you desire.

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Let It Go

Are you depressed and disappointed in your life? If you are seeking happiness and you want to live a peaceful life that is devoid of worries and stress, the first step is to let go off the troubles.

If you tend to stay stressed about trivial matters, you will be robbed of happiness. Have you ever wondered as to what happens when you get stressed? Can stress solve the problems that you are facing? Will it make the situation better for you? Definitely not. All stress does is add to your anxiety and troubles and it will make your life devoid of happiness.

So, you need to understand that being stressed about a situation is not going to take you anywhere and it will only mess your life. Once you get a grip on your stress levels, you will find a radical improvement in the way you live your life.

Let Go Off Painful Memories

Do you believe in the saying that life is a bed of roses? Well, even if you have such a rosy picture painted in your mind, you need to be aware that roses have thorns. So, the journey of life is not going to be sugar-coated all the way through. There will be troubles and there are going to be memories that will trap you rather than make you happy.

If you want to live a happy life, you need to learn to let go off the painful memories. Being a captive to the tormenting memories of the past will eat into the happiness of your soul and it is not going to help you steer ahead.

Set Your Soul Free

You need to free your soul from the troubles that weighs it down. Our soul is meant to stay free. However, the journey of life can be weary and the troubles that life throws on you can chain your soul and weigh it down. How often do you find yourself thinking over the "what- ifs" of life? Merely thinking about what would have happened and regretting the decisions that you took in the past is only going to make your situation worse.

Life is about living in the present and if you keep worrying about your yesterday or stressing about your tomorrow, you will end up spoiling the present. So, learn to set your soul free so that it can seek the true form of happiness. A happy soul will help you lead a happy life.

Life Is Beautiful- Live It

Life is not a rat race where you need to come out on top. It is meant to be a journey that you should cherish and enjoy. No one remembers the races you won at the end of the cycle. What people remember is the memories they shared with you. So, the biggest accomplishment of life is to die as a happy man.

Happiness should be your prime goal and in order to attain it, you need to live your life to the fullest. Do not end this journey thinking of those things that you do not have.

Happiness Is A State Of Mind

Do you often complain that you can't stay happy for long? You need to know that happiness is merely a state of mind. If you want to be happy, you need to believe that you are happy and make light of all the troubles.

Remember, nothing is permanent. Even the darkest nights end and pave the path for a brilliant day. So, even if you are stuck in horrid lanes of troubles, let the pain go away because nothing stays forever. What is born has to end and pain, though intense will vanish and die.

When you let go of all these troubles, angst, anxiety, stress and other vices that weigh you down, you will feel a different kind of relief in your body and mind. This is the key to attaining true mastery over happiness. Happiness doesn't mean that you need to live a secluded life. Happiness can be derived from little things because it is merely a state of mind.

You need to have the urge to live a happy life and you have to believe in the unending possibility of happiness.

Implement these tried and tested formula and map the biggest ever transformation in your life. The strength that will ooze from within is unimaginable too. So, cherish the journey of your life and embrace happiness in forms that are both seen, unseen.

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Setback To Success

From the time we are babies, we have setbacks: leading to crying and tantrums. Setbacks, disappointments, and obstacles are unavoidable as we progress through life. It is how we handle our setbacks that will determine the results we create. Will they stop us from being successful or are there ways to turn them around to our benefit?

When we move out into the world and begin taking risks , we may come face to face with obstacles. Do we plunge ahead despite our perceived limitations or do we take the easy road and stop? What if we want and choose to continue only to find our self up against a big roadblock that we're not sure we can overcome? What we do next can influence the whole course of our life to come.

Setbacks are opportunities to reassess our position. They can be viewed as "tests" to see how committed we are to the end game we've planned for. Perhaps we do need to stop and see if the path we've chosen is truly the best one for us and it is okay to admit that it may no longer be viable. An honest assessment and decision to stop is not necessarily quitting.

On the other hand, a setback can signal that we've reached a peak in our own growth and that to move forward, we need a new approach. This attitude provides us with a great opportunity. What can I learn or do differently to be successful? You can turn setbacks into success: it comes down to how you choose to view the situation and what actions you take (or don't take) next. Since success in life is about interpretation, we should learn to interprete the situation well before acting or refusing to do so.

Cheers to the weekend!.

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Right Attitude

Anyone who wishes to be successful at anything must have the right attitude. Developing an attitude for success is essential to finding the light at the end of the tunnel and to accomplish the goals which one sets for himself.

Being a pessimist and having a fatalistic outlook on life will not work. Believing in oneself and working toward meaningful and realistic goals can bring success. An attitude of hope and faith mixed with hard work should provide worthwhile results which will lead to success.

Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. Life is full of errors. Dwelling on the failures of the past will not help in the quest for success. Beating oneself up over things which are gone and over does no good. Don't ever tell yourself that you are stupid because you did a stupid thing. Tell yourself instead that you may have done a foolish thing, but that does not make you a stupid person. Mistakes can be corrected, and people can learn from failures if the right attitude is present.

The right attitude is necessary to achieve any of our goals. Being honest with oneself and having the integrity to face the facts of life squarely will be beneficial in achieving success. Skimping and cheating to attain goals or money will in no way help to be successful.

Being a positive person with hope for the future helps people find success. The power of positive thinking has long been touted as a real factor and as a valuable tool in life. Faith in yourself and your ability to succeed will help you get there.

It has been said that the most successful people in the world set goals. They write down those goals and look at them everyday. They find pictures of the material possessions they want to have as a result of those goals. They visualize themselves having those things. They consider themselves to be winners already in possession of the items they desire. They know what they want, and they are willing to work hard to get it.

Unless you are one of the small percentage of people who strike it rich by winning the lottery, any worthy goal and successful venture will take a lot of work. Things don't often drop into your lap without some effort being put forth. Developing the right attitude by believing in yourself can go a long way to achieving success.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Second Childhood

We are deviating from the topic we have been discussing since the week commenced. The change in topic is due to the fact that the opening of NYSC camps nationwide yesterday reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend few years back during my orientation programme in Jos, Plateau state. She had a terrible childhood whose memory had plagued her up till then. It was apparent those experiences were turning her to her own worst enemy.

Do you know that we can be our very own worst enemy? Yes, many of us treat ourselves the same vile way our early caretakers treated us. We put ourselves down, we are hard on ourselves and we are drawn to accepting bad treatment from others because we do not feel good about ourselves on the inside.

We may feel that we don't deserve anything good so we punish ourselves over and over and over again. We don't have to do anything external to anyone. We can punish ourselves in the privacy of our lives in ways that make us feel even worse about ourselves and in ways that we would never think of doing to anyone outside of ourselves.

Let's take a pause and really visualize what our lives would look like if we stopped believing and feeling the worse about ourselves. What if we were to get up today, look in the mirror and say to ourselves, "I forgive You and I love you and I will stop treating you the way others treated you when you were a child." You may not believe it at first, but continue doing it and soon you will feel that burden fall off your shoulders.

Start treating yourself to the things that made you feel good as a child. Take yourself back to your childhood. No, not to the abused childhood you had, but to a childhood that should have been filled with clean love, clean hugs, clean kisses and happiness. Eat lollipops,watch your favourite cartoons, read your favourite comic books, watch your favourite comedies. Do the things that make you feel happy, loved and appreciated.

Yes, give yourself a second childhood. Give yourself the loving kindness that you should have received as a child. Give yourself permission to be angry, even rageful. To break up the pain of abuse, you need to become angry over what was done to you. Be angry for that little girl or little boy who was abused and treated in such a dastardly manner. Repressed anger gives way to depression and other deep emotional and psychological pain.

Don't let others make slight of what you went through or try to tell you that that was the past and you need to forget it. Remove yourself from those dynamics while you are in the process of healing. In that light, you don't need to share what you are doing with others who may not understand what you are going through. You are taking charge of your own self-healing.

Don't go through your entire life with all that pain and unhappiness. Believe me it's not a good feeling. We all deserve to live a good, happy, exciting and exuberant life. After all, it is our birthright. So start today, give yourself the gift of love! Give yourself the gift of a second childhood! Selah.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Live It

Why are you not living your dreams? Is it because you have negative feelings about your past? The past is like a river. Have you ever seen a river flowing backwards? The past is not coming back and chances are, if it did, you would make the same choices because you would still be in the same place as you were then. Do you have negative feelings about the present?

If you don't like where you find yourself standing, ask yourself "why am I still here?" Perhaps you blame your current situation on someone else. Okay, I will give you this one.

Someone else very well may have hurt you, disappointed or failed you. It could very well be someone else's fault, but guess what? If someone else is in control of your life, it's still your fault! For whatever reason, you allowed them to take control! Placing blame is not profitable and is counter-productive.

It is time to take responsibility for your life and your choices! It is not too late and you can do this! You can always choose again! We must take responsibility for the current state of our lives, families,businesses and other important aspects of our lives. When we do this, we navigate towards maturity which will come in handy if we are ever going to live our dreams.

Like we said yesterday, you are the only one that can give life to your dreams. Your dream of a balanced life, happy family,successful business are all achievable if only you will get up and make efforts. Do not let fear hold you down. Les Brown said, "Many people are not living their dreams because they are too busy living their fears." Don't be a part of the negative statistics.

Our families, businesses and gifts are the fruit of our hands. When we nurture these, our true strength shines through and our dreams manifested! Your dreams are waiting to be realized. What are you waiting for?

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Never Stop Dreaming

Dreams makes us alive. Dreams are the songs of your soul and without them; you will really have nothing to live for. Your life will be nothing but a dry routine. If you are not dreaming, you are practically dead. This is so simply because without passion and enthusiasm in your life, all you will be doing is waiting to die.

The secret to success in life is to simply pursue your dreams. There is no other way that you can claim that you are successful if you are not either living your dream-life or pursuing your dreams. This is so simply because it is only our dreams that can make us compete. Nothing else can, no matter how glamorous it seems.

Following your dreams is the key to success in whichever field you are in because when you follow them, you will be having the advantage of the momentum that comes with doing what you really love. This momentum will make it easy for you to work hard without necessarily feeling the burden of work. It will also give you a kind of enthusiasm that is usually very hard to fake. This enthusiasm will not only make life more enjoyable for you, but it will also help to inspire confidence in people who are supposed to help you to achieve your dreams.

Our dreams are what make us unique. This therefore means that if you abandon your dreams, you are abandoning your individuality. As a result what you will be doing is that you will be joining the masses of people who go through life as average pedestrians and who usually never amount to anything significant in life. The only way to make sure that your individuality, so far as life and nature is concerned, remains intact is to go after what you feel you want in life.

The key to success in life lies in realizing the truth about our wishes and dreams. It lies in recognizing the fact that dreams come true and that it is for that reason that nature usually makes us have them. Going after what your heart wants is thus one of the most effective secrets to success available to you as a human being. Take advantage of this success secret and enjoy success in life and in business.

Do not give up on your dreams because when you do, it means that you are dead. This is so because they are the only things that can make you stand out of the crowd.

Have a great week!

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Forget Everyone,Believe In Yourself

Many people live scripted lives. They live up to the expectations of their close friends and family, but they rarely go any further than that. They live in the status quo and therefore, they remain average.

If you want to become extremely successful, if you want to be rich or famous, then you have to go above and beyond what others expect of you. Most parents are happy to see their children live an ordinary life. They want good things for their children, but they don't expect them to achieve greatness. That is why you must expect it of yourself, because no one else is going to push you to achieve it.

People will always try to tell you what is best for you. Usually it is along the lines of what is considered "safe" or "normal." However, if you allow other people to determine the actions you take, you will never reach your true potential. Your potential is indeed unlimited, but only if you find it within yourself and ignore what the outside world is telling you.

If you can begin to think outside the box, you will begin to see greater success. If you think big, you will do big things. Have you noticed that most of the population is living in mediocrity? Why is that? It is because they are "average" thinkers, so average is all they will ever be. In order to achieve the greatness that you are capable of, you have to see the greatness within yourself.

Start making an effort to think positive, uplifting thoughts. Doubt is the killer of all dreams. Believe in yourself and you will achieve everything you set out to achieve.

Eliminate the negativity from your life. You can't live a positive life in a negative environment. You can't be great when the people around you are trying to keep you average. Minimize the time you spend with negative people. Start finding groups of successful people to hang out with. Learn from those that are better than you. You will be motivated by them to achieve bigger and better things. If you continue to hang with the same people, you will likely stay the same. There comes a time when you must break free from that which ties you down so that you can achieve the greatness you were destined for.

It's time to change your life!