Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Keep Loving It

If you want to live a truly magnificent life, then you must uncover the secret to living a meaningful and fulfilling life first. This all starts with you waking up every day and doing what you love and loving what you do. The greatest challenge you will face comes; when you may have allowed your life to gradually unfold, in a direction you do not like. This may mean that you now find yourself in a place, where you don't "LOVE", what you do? If you find yourself in this position, you have one of two choices.

You can either choose to allow yourself to remain trapped in a place you do not like and continue to live a life with no meaning. Or you can make a far wiser choice and change your focus. Instead of loving what you are doing at that time. Rather focus your energy on "LOVING" the opportunity, which you have available to you right now, to create the life you love.

Learn to stop focusing on lack and everything you don't have in your life right now, where you wake up every day, wondering how you are going to get through your day. Train your mind to focus on possibility and all the incredible wonder the future holds for you. Focus on all the incredible opportunity available to you right now, which will allow you to move your life in the direction of meaning and fulfilment, you want. See the incredible opportunity you have to build a future, which has all the elements you desire, namely great health, fantastic relationships, awesome career.

Allow yourself to "LOVE the OPPORTUNITY" and everything in your life immediately changes. You no longer wake up every day wondering how you are going to get through your day. Instead, you wake up inspired and passionate about possibility, eagerly looking for ways to get as much as possible from each day.
No matter what you are doing, it is OK

As you travel down the path towards new levels of success and achievement,of course you will be thrust out of your comfort zone, of course you will need to introduce new disciplines into your life, which will not be comfortable, and of course you will not love everything you need to do daily. In fact you don't have to love any of it. All you need to do is to appreciate all you have and "LOVE" the opportunity your labours will bring to you. Learn the art of loving what you have and loving the prize, which you will get to enjoy once you have paid the small price of discipline today and life, becomes an enjoyable journey, packed with wondrous possibility and opportunity.

Now is the time to Embrace Opportunity
If you can make the decision, where you no longer look for what is missing in your life right now and instead focus on what you have, namely incredible opportunity. You will find that you immediately feel so much better about your life, your self-confidence grows and you awaken your ability to believe in possibility. Have no doubt that your life is filled with opportunity and possibility. Learn to focus on what you have right now, namely the opportunity to live a life of meaning and fulfilment and forget about what is missing and you will have discovered the key to unlimited joy, happiness and success.

Focus on the Long Term
Believe that success, achievement, meaning and fulfilment are your birth right. Do not allow yourself to ever be discouraged or tempted to give up. Be assured that all it takes to live the life you desire is long term commitment, belief, vision, discipline, a great positive attitude, daily inspired action and the patience and persistence, to move from one stepping stone to the next. Of course you won't "LOVE" every stepping stone along the way. Realise that once you learn the art of "LOVING" each stepping stone for the opportunity it brings,you will have uncovered the secret to enjoy your journey through life and pathway to live the success you desire.

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