If you want to become extremely successful, if you want to be rich or famous, then you have to go above and beyond what others expect of you. Most parents are happy to see their children live an ordinary life. They want good things for their children, but they don't expect them to achieve greatness. That is why you must expect it of yourself, because no one else is going to push you to achieve it.
People will always try to tell you what is best for you. Usually it is along the lines of what is considered "safe" or "normal." However, if you allow other people to determine the actions you take, you will never reach your true potential. Your potential is indeed unlimited, but only if you find it within yourself and ignore what the outside world is telling you.
If you can begin to think outside the box, you will begin to see greater success. If you think big, you will do big things. Have you noticed that most of the population is living in mediocrity? Why is that? It is because they are "average" thinkers, so average is all they will ever be. In order to achieve the greatness that you are capable of, you have to see the greatness within yourself.
Start making an effort to think positive, uplifting thoughts. Doubt is the killer of all dreams. Believe in yourself and you will achieve everything you set out to achieve.
Eliminate the negativity from your life. You can't live a positive life in a negative environment. You can't be great when the people around you are trying to keep you average. Minimize the time you spend with negative people. Start finding groups of successful people to hang out with. Learn from those that are better than you. You will be motivated by them to achieve bigger and better things. If you continue to hang with the same people, you will likely stay the same. There comes a time when you must break free from that which ties you down so that you can achieve the greatness you were destined for.
It's time to change your life!
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