The reasons for these individuals not living their dreams are anyone's guess, as their disguises are too many to mention. However there is no doubt that if one is not living their dreams, they have in some way been sold on their fears; fear of not being good enough, fear of being rejected to a fear of dying and the list is endless.
If this is you, understand that if you have not said yes to your dreams you must ask yourself what have you said yes to through your actions or in actions.
Have you said yes to a life of average?
Have you thought my dream is not something I can actually go after?
Have you said yes to settling for a life less than what you really desire?
Have you said yes to lack because it feels like all you can have?
Have you said yes to being alone because you think you're un lovable? Or are you too frightened to be in a loving relationship because of the risk of being hurt?
Have you said yes to playing safe because living an adventurous life is dangerous and you could lose your life?
If you have said yes to these things you maybe saying no to living a fulfilling life. The reasons for sustaining those no's in your life is robbing you from a fulfilling life. Your safety will never be guaranteed by living a life less than you desire, the only thing you will guarantee is living a life full of regrets; repeating words like, I could have done that.
Someone shared with me a thought that his father always shared with him and I'll pass it on to you as the simplicity of this thought spoke volumes in the way of freeing one of fear. It goes... "A man that was born to hang, can't drown" and when I heard it I thought wow I love that thought. I'm sure this thought has been handed down for many years but I will attribute it to this my friend's father because he always says along with that thought, to just live your life. How liberating it is to just live our life, fearlessly believing that we are purposeful and that experiencing life in its fullness is all we need concern ourselves with even with all the mistakes. After all playing it safe doesn't eliminate the possibility of making mistakes; it eliminates the possibilities of having fulfilment.
If our lives are to be purposeful then all we need do is say yes to the purpose, say yes to a fulfilling life. Learn to say yes because saying yes allows us to release what we think we know to learn something new and that something new will expand who we are and enable us to learn more about ourselves.
Learn to say yes to your dreams, learn to say yes to purpose. Say yes to fulfilment.
There are many keys to success like, getting our mindset open for it, having persistence and being around people who are thinking like we think and having someone on your side whose only motive is to see you operate in your full potential. Whatever it takes,be deliberate in saying yes to the life you have always wanted to live. Say yes today and enjoy fulfilment. Have a great week!!!
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