Maya Angelou, a renowned writer, stated that "we delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." Life is no different. Many times, people only see the successes in others. What they don't realize is the amount of hard work, dedication, persistence, and transformation required to become successful
With the butterfly mentality, anyone can master the art of successful living. Change is the only constant in life. Regardless if you're a human or butterfly, every living organism evolves. Rather than fight it, the key is to accept those changes and move on. If you're currently in a bad situation in life, you must realize that it's bound to change so there's no need to be stressed about it - just keep working steadily to resolve those concerns and have faith that tomorrow is a better day.
Please note that those who are successful must also be cautious about this fact. Instead of relying on their past successes, people must continually change and adapt to remain competitive and successful.
One of the best methods for accepting change is to realize that nothing is permanent. Not only are your failures impermanent but also your successes. Whether you accept it, or not, everything has an expiration date. This also includes humans, animals, insects, flowers, furniture, political regimes, and even business entities. The goal is to detach yourself from any emotional baggage, addiction, obsession, or fixation. Once this is done, you'll realize that accepting change is much easier and you'll be more efficient at transforming to become the best person possible.
Like the butterfly, people also progress through 3 main stages in life: birth; death; resurrection. Of course, no one is physically immortal. The death that I'm referring to pertains to the failures in life that's not only unavoidable but also catastrophic to the point where some have either given up or even taken their own lives. In essence, everyone will fail at something in the course of their lifetime.
The key is to resurrect from those failures, learn from them, and use the knowledge and experienced gained to improve personally and professionally.
Bruce Lee wisely stated that "the key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering." Many of us would love an opportunity to live forever. Unfortunately, no one is physically immortal. Instead, many legends, role models, and icons live through their words of wisdom long after they're gone from our physical world. Similar to Bruce Lee, who's still helping millions of people globally with his words of wisdom that's applicable to life, business, and success, people could also work towards immortality by helping others, thus being remembered for making a positive difference in our world.
Whether large or small, people must also learn to celebrate their achievements in life. Doing so would provide you with the additional motivation needed to continually pursue your dreams and passion in life. Remember, failure to reward yourself occasionally may result in a loss of enthusiasm that could be detrimental to achieving your goals and objectives.
One of the best part of life pertains to freedom. You should have the freedom to choose your own destiny in life. You could decide to open your own business, work for someone else, or volunteer and donate your resources through charitable contributions, etc. Like the magnificent butterflies celebrating their freedom through the flitting pollination of flowers, people also have an opportunity to pursue their own path in life.
In the end, success is a state-of-mind and directly proportional to love and happiness. The more loved and happy you are, the more successful you feel. Therefore to be happy:
(A) Follow your passion(s) and do what you love.
(B) Have gratitude, enjoy every moment, and live in abundance.
(C) Do your best to learn, grow, and help others.
Even if you don't have much, you could drastically increase the amount of love and happiness in your life if you follow the suggestions mentioned above.
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