Monday, October 21, 2013

Take That Risk!

Ever sat there and thought 'I wish I had a go at that' or 'I wish I could try that'?

Do you have some great ideas and you get 50% down the path of implementing them. Then the alarm bells start to ring and the little voices in your head start to chatter: 'But can I really take the risk?'... 'What will I lose'?' Before you know it, you've lost your initial burst of enthusiasm, and you back off, returning to what you know is safe and comfortable.

There is nothing wrong with that. Being cautious is part of most people's make up. But you really don't want to go through life carrying a whole bunch of 'what-ifs' and a bucketful of regrets, do you? 'What if I had done that?' 'Do you know... I had thought of doing that, but didn't'.

It may seem a little risky when you work out how much a new idea is going to cost to put into action. Or you hit so many stumbling blocks that you think Someone upstairs is trying to tell you something. However,conquering those stumbling blocks is what separates the everyday people and achievers, and will give you a real sense of achievement. Remember: It is risky not to take risks.

So go on, take a leap, and take a few risks!

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