Monday, August 12, 2013


Every event, whether good or bad, is one small step in the process of living. Know that every experience is a positive experience when you view it as an opportunity for growth.. Tom Peters said," If silly things were not done,intelligent things would never happen."

There is an American adage that says," It doesn't matter how much milk you spill as long as you don't lose your cow." In other words, mistakes,mishaps and misfortunes are not irreversible. Always view life from the big picturre perspective.. Problem arises when we see only the spilled milk and not the bigger picture.

People who correctly see failure take it in stride,learn the lessons, get back on track and focus on life.. They still feel the sting from hurt of loss but they do as the famous French general Napoleone Bonaparte did," I see only the objective, the obstacle must give way." Failure is always reversible,just ask any successful person.

Yours inspiredly.

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