The reason is this: We think too much about those problems rather than focus on the solution; we wonder times without number why of all people in the whole world, we are the one facing such challenge. We think about the situation all day and all night.
And you know what? You are bound to attract your predominant thought. Life usually flows in direction of our predominant thought.
You are a living magnet .If your focus is on the possibility of things getting worse and you play the image over and over again in your mind, things cannot but get worse. You might not get what you are thinking about immediately but you are attracting them to yourself by the day and the more you think about the problem, the longer they stay with you.
The Temptation has always been to focus on the problem and even celebrate them.
It takes a great discipline and self control to shift attention from the problem and start thinking about the solution. Solution sometimes seems to us like fantasy .They don't look real. But you really need to stay stuck to the solution thought if your problem must go away. Focus focus focus on the solution, take action on the solution and your problems would soon be a thing of the past. Find below a few other tips on how you can effectively get over challenges;
· To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask you: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask?
· ·If you feel like you can't do anything, stop thinking about what you can't do and start thinking about what you can do. Even if it's something small or seems unimportant, that little step might just lead to another, bigger step.
· ·Attitude is the key. The more problems you solve the greater is your experience with problem solving. You can apply a solution from one area to another only by gaining experience. Be open to new problems.
· ·If you start feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, take a breathe. Realize that every problem has a solution, but sometimes you're so wrapped up in it that you can't see anything but the problem.
· Albert Einstein famously said "You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it." When you identify a problem, you might be emotionally charged, disappointed that the problem exists. The initial emotional reaction is normal, but how you express it is very important. Getting angry at others will usually put them into a defensive or withdrawn position, far less helpful for collaborative problem solving. Give yourself a moment to let the initial emotions calm down, then you'll be better able to evaluate and decide on how to proceed productively. Try to be calm and logical when approaching a problem, resolution ultimately lies in this approach
· Keep your motivation up. It´s easy to be discouraged, especially if you fear failure and your first and second solution to a problem didn´t work. You might feel like just giving up. Then it´s time to give yourself a boost of motivation. Changing your mental state to a brighter, more positive and more motivated one can make all the difference in the world. It will keep you going. Even though you might just a few minutes earlier felt like all hope was gone.
Temitope Bolarinwa
Follow Temitope on twitter @batemol and also @WeInspreNg
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