Thursday, August 8, 2013

Welcome On Board

On behalf of the management of this blog, I like to welcome you on board. It promises to be an interesting journey.

Life is a journey and it has its twists,turns and curves. Nobody is immune to experiences of failure,disappointment,setback,betrayal,loss of loved ones,business failure and other deadly blows life may throw at us. While some pick themselves up and continue the journey,others are not so lucky. The increasing rate of suicides and hypertenive patients are evidences that some lose the battle to get on their feets.

Life is not meant to be a solitary adventure. Incase one falls the other picks him up. We are here to inspire you from the darknesss of despair to the morning of hope. We will share stories of people who have gone through the same experiences and have come up fan the dying embers of your passion.

Whatever situation you might be going through,you will surely make it through. Do not give up! Constant stories,quotes and nuggets will go a long way to inspire you.
Once again,on behalf of the management and writers of this blog we sincerely welcome you on board.

Yours inspirely.

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