Tips To Gain Control
(A) Plan your Day the Night before - Yes of course, when you first introduce this discipline into your experience, it will feel like just another additional task, which you need to cram into your already overloaded schedule. Let me assure you that within a very short space of time, this daily discipline will turn into a few extra hours of useful time every day.
(B)Review your day - Review your day, explore your day to identify all the tasks you have not completed that day.Secondly reward yourself for the all the things you did get done, by stopping for just a moment and allowing the glow of satisfaction to flow through you This whole exercise, surprisingly will only take a few minutes to complete.
(C) Plan every day - Next, move into planning session for the next day. Invest a few minutes on Sunday evenings, to put scheduled time slots into your dairy.Slot the various tasks, which you have not completed that day into your schedule.Secondly Iook at the other issues you need to address the following day and easily slott these into the pre-allocated time slots in your dairy too. You will be astounded that the planning session will only take you about 10 minutes to complete.
(D) Action Idea - Making your plan actually work for you- The secret to make your plan work and to actually get things done is to avoid the natural tendency to want to tackle non essentials, first thing in the morning. This is the worst thing you could possibly do, as you immediately surrender your day and your time to the whims and needs of everyone else.
Your first 90 minutes of your day is the primetime of your day. Allocate this time to perform the highest value actions of your day. These are the actions, which will bring you the greatest value that day.
Break your day up into 90 minute time slots, followed by short rest periods and allocate your tasks in order of importance, into these time slots. Decide what are most important tasks to you and then in diminishing importance, tackle each task in sequence, throughout your day. Once you get the most important things done, you will not be wasting energy worrying about them, any longer.
When deciding on the importance of each task, start by testing them against the rewards you will get for completing the task, versus the consequences of putting it aside to complete later.
As you know 20 % of what you do, delivers 80 % of the results in your life and the other 80 % only delivers 20 % of the value. Carefully select the right 20 % to focus your energy on and find ways to delegate, delete or just do the other 80 %, so that it does not interfere with your day.
You must remain in control of your day at all times. Yes of course people want to interrupt you throughout your day. Schedule your day according to your needs and you will have mastered your life and optimised your productivity.
Don't forget to schedule time each day to work on your goals. This is time I like to call "MEET MY FUTURE". This is time I schedule every day to carry out my goal specific actions. Those actions, which are going to deliver the meaning and fulfilment I desire.
You are in charge of your life and time. Stop allowing everyone else to dictate how your day unfolds and you will gain hours of useful time, each day, to carry out your priority tasks. Continue to be at the beck and call of everyone else and you will just continue to feel overwhelmed, overworked and you will achieve very little.
These are what I learnt from different accomplished persons and I put them to practice. Some of the actions might seem difficult to put to practice but they are rewarding. The Nigerian environment is always demanding for your personal time most especially if you have dependants and subordinates but you have got to do what you have got to do. Have a great day!
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