Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Events in life happen, for everyone. You have to run YOUR race, stay the course and finish strong. In the middle to end of each race it gets hard. Events happen that can derail your mental stamina requiring you to make a choice. You can dig in, dig deep and push through, or you can whine. Only one option will get you the results you want. Don't make a poor temporary choice that will have a negative long-term result.

1) Your interpretation of events makes all the difference.

Drawing comparisons with others in a defeating way is counterproductive and pointless. Everyone is running their own race with their own unique set of variables. Run YOUR race and let them run theirs.

2) Get a different perspective.

If you find yourself in the middle of your life race getting bogged down, seek out a new perspective. Someone on the outside, not emotionally involved can help you think about life in a way that can change your entire world. At least once a month you need to hear yourself say, "Oh, I never thought about it that way."

3) Don't take yourself too seriously.

Find something in life that you really enjoy, and that isn't just about performance or results. Then figure out a way to incorporate that into your life. It will breathe life into your soul. Life is serious enough, you don't have to add to it.

Interpret your life events in a productive way. Never draw negative comparisons. Get an outside perspective if needed and definitely don't take yourself too seriously. Run YOUR race, and I will run mine.

NB. Please remember the families of victims of terrorist activities. in Westgate mall, Nairobi Kenya and Benisheik,North-East Nigeria in your prayers.

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