Friday, September 6, 2013


This is a review of the eight law of success as written in Napoleon Hill's book called 'The Laws of success.' The law itself is called,"The habit of doing more." We are reviewing this law because it goes in tandem with the topic we have been discussing since the week began.-PASSION
Hill writes, "By establishing a reputation as being a person who always renders more service and better service than that which you are paid, you will benefit by comparison with those around you who do not render such service, and the contrast will be so noticeable that there will be keen competition for your services, no matter what your life-work may be."

If you are working in a profession in which you are passionate, you will find that you can work long hours without fatigue. On the other hand, if you dislike your work, you can become fatigued quickly. Working for someone you love can also ease fatigue. Quality and quantity of work increases if you love what you do, so finding your passion and pursuing it, is of utmost importance.

When you are doing the work you love, you experience the rewards of happiness, which is priceless and the reward of more money over time due to higher quality and quantity you produce because you do your work in the spirit of love.

By performing more and better service than you are paid, you develop your skills and abilities as well as an excellent reputation. If you happen to be in a work situation not to your liking, performing more than you are paid will likely enable you to remove yourself from that undesirable situation or station in life more quickly. You may receive recognition and promotion or additional more desirable opportunities due to your outstanding reputation.

Furthermore, by doing more than you are paid for, you will receive favorable attention during transactions creating a demand for your products or services. Eventually, your customers or employer come to feel that they cannot get along without you placing you in an advantageous position.

Hill states, "A single hour devoted each day to rendering service for which we are not paid, can be made to yield bigger returns than we received from the entire remainder of the day during which we are merely performing our duty."

Hill believes that you are creating a mountain that stands in the way of your ultimate success if you have the feeling that you have been cheated unless you receive material pay for all the service you perform. He suggests an experiment for six months of providing some useful service to at least one person each day and not expect or accept monetary payment from them. You will put yourself ahead in the world by first helping others to get ahead.

Ultimately, you profit the most from the effort of rendering more and better service than you are paid for. You will become a leader and you will become successful by developing leadership and may eventually be paid for more than you actually do! So remember that developing the habit of doing more than you are paid for is one of the 16 ingredients of success from the book The Law of Success.

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