Thursday, September 5, 2013


We have been talking about passion for some days now and I'm sure we have done a little justice to it. Passion drives people to achieve their goals using their GIFT(s). Everyone has got a special skiill 'installed' into us by our Creator. While some discover and hone their skills others need help to discover theirs. It could be that the help we need is right under our noses. Sometimes we need to just open our eyes and be willing to develop it.

More often than not, we're looking for someone that's already had significant experience in the area of our need. In some cases, it has to be that way. Sometimes though, maybe not. Perhaps, if we were a little more open, we would find raw talent within our reach that has an innovative spirit. Probably far beyond we'd even hoped for.

"I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that". 1 Corinthians 7:7

Everyone has been given a gift. Some have more than one.I think we do each other a disservice when we don't take the time to understand or appreciate the power behind individual gifting. Many gifted individuals often go unnoticed and under utilized.

It would be beneficial for each of us keep a watchful eye for talented individuals that may come our way. Have a willingness to assist in their development. This could be in the form of hands on or by simply pointing them in the right direction. You never know.

Perhaps you are one of the missed or overlooked raw talent. Don't worry. God has not overlooked you. Perhaps you are still under His training and development. He may be training you for a much bigger assignment.

When you do walk into your bigger assignment, there will be those who say "I always knew you had it in you." Your response is to just smile, nod in agreement and praise God for His infinite wisdom..

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