Monday, September 9, 2013


A pleasant day to you.

I am excited to let you know that we are all designed for success. But you know what? None of us is ready-made. Whether you succeed or fail in life is a matter of choice.
Do you know that those we describe as geniuses, those great inventors are not necessarily men of high intelligence? However, they are men of unparalleled perseverance. So I have since been a subscriber to the "winners never quit and quitters never win" syndrome.

The situations that make some people fail are the same situations that make others succeed; the difference being their attitudes. The situations which losers see as stumbling blocks are the same situations which winners see as stepping-stones to success.

Inside every adversity is the seed of a miracle. Have you lost a job, failed in marriage, business or an examination? Do not focus on the problem. Focus on the solution.

Winners see solutions while losers see problems. Winners see possibilities, losers see impossibilities. What you see will determine who you become. Julie Andrews said," Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th." Hold on! Don't quit! Its a new day for you!

You will succeed!

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